I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people for assisting me with my research:
Colin Mckenzie - my brother who has always shown an interest in family history. He recently handed all his memorabilia over to me. Colin was also responsible for compiling the Clark family tree from pages and pages of hand-written documents.
Renza Brickhill – for sharing her work on the Brickhill family tree.
Ken Durham – who sent me some documents regarding my Grand-mother May Alexandra Mckenzie and memoirs of her mother Jane Anne Buchanan.
Cyril Hedgcock - for sharing his work on the Hedgcock family tree.
My cousins, Graeme and Joan Mckenzie, Bobby and Alison Allen, Ken and Maureen Templeton, Caroline Bateman and Helen Leigh for the data sent regarding the younger additions to the tree.
My sisters Ingrid and Margaret who are always willing to listen to my ramblings and new discoveries.
And in their absence, we need to pay tribute to those who kept records in previous generations, including people such as Barbara Buchanan, my grand-father John McKenzie, Emily Clark, Ralph McKenzie, Lily Mckenzie, Mary Mckenzie and Edgar Egenes. The information gained from their records has provided vast amounts of information and leads.
If I have failed to mention someone here, please forgive me and feel free to leave a comment.
I hope to be able to add more names to this list as more people respond to this Blog.
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